Moorside Community Primary School


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In everything we do, we set high expectations for all pupils under our care and guidance. As a result, we ensure all pupils develop a love for learning – in the classroom; at our after-school clubs; on educational trips and on our many residentials.

Our pupils are incredibly precious to us and we understand how important it is that they develop as happy, well-rounded individuals. We enjoy working alongside our parents to enable their children to thrive here as they become successful and engaged young people and lifelong learners.

Every member of our team here at Moorside is proudly committed to our aim ….. To ensure every child flourishes.

This section of our website gives you an overview of the way we teach, what we teach and why we teach in the way that we do.

For more information about the curriculum at Moorside Community Primary School, please contact Mrd Pasco or Miss Cooper via the school office.