Moorside Community Primary School

  • Moorside Primary School


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Tony Hyde - PTA Chair

Did you know that if you have a child within the school you are eligible to join the PTA?

The PTA is a group of parents who volunteer their time to raise additional funds for the school and its pupils. Over the years, Moorside’s PTA has led many fantastic funding raising initiatives, providing the school with money towards vital resources and gifts such as playground equipment, years 6 leavers' parties, books, stationery, sports kits, Easter treats and much much more.

Some of the more recent events organized by our PTA include the annual Christmas and Summer Fayres and Magic and Disco nights for our children, all of which encompass excellent participation and community spirit from our parents and pupils.

If becoming part of this amazing group of parents is of interest to you, please provide our friendly office staff with your details and our PTA will be in touch. The more volunteers they have, the more events they can organise and the more funds for our children and our school. 

Regular meetings take place on school campus from 6pm; please watch this space for details of future meetings.

Thank you.



We are also busy fundraising by collecting old British or foreign coins and notes, even obsolete currency. You will see posters around the school and a collection bucket is situated in the school office. Once our bucket is full the currency that has been collected will be sent to who will exchange it into cash we can use for our school.

The bucket will be here all year so keep it coming please.


Our PTA has registered the school for the Easy Fundraising scheme.

If you are purchasing goods online — you can raise a free donation to the PTA.

It’s really simple to use and doesn't cost you anything extra, you just need to register via the Easy Fundraising website and browse through their website when doing your online shopping.



Chair - Tony Hyde

Treasurer - Jennifer Lee

Secretary - Kirstie Walls

Staff Representative - Mr G Bailey

If you are a parent or business owner and would like to volunteer or support Moorside PTA then please email us at [email protected]or the school at [email protected] .

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PTA Events & Meetings 23/24

Event / MeetingDate
Halloween Disco 202319th October 2023
Dress Down Day Christmas Fayre Donations23rd November 2023
Christmas Fayre 20231st December 2023
Dress Down Day Summer Fayre Donations21st June 2024 tbc
Summer Fayre 20245th July 2024 tbc