We ensure that all children have a voice through our School Council, known as our Pupil Leaders.
The children are invited to apply to represent their class by completing an application form stating their leadership credentials, this is then submitted to their respective Deputy Headteacher who selects two representatives for each class from Year 1 to Year 6 . Our children then see the democratic process in action by voting for the sub-team that they wish to join, these teams are : Inclusion, Eco, English and Maths.
Each week a different sub-team meets with their link member of SLT where they plan, discuss and suggests ways to ensure that our school continues to develop to be 'the best that it can be'. So far this year our Pupil Leaders have launched our new handwriting scheme, launched our book vending machine home-reading reward scheme and met with our local MP, Rebecca Long-Bailey.
We hold regular trips to support our children's learning and have yearly residentials teaching our pupils skills in areas that they are not necessarily familiar with as part of their day to day lives and learning. As well as this we welcome visitors to the school, to hold workshops with our children
For more in-depth information please, follow the individual links.