Price increases coming into effect from September 24
This prospectus is intended for parents who are interested in using our extended hours childcare facilities. It needs to be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions. It outlines some key policies and procedures that parents need to be aware of and the expectations of children, parents and staff.
Parents are required to complete the registration forms and consent forms prior to a child starting at the club.
About Moorside PLUS
This service is run by Moorside Primary School and is situated in the Key Stage One, Key Stage Two Breakout Areas and the main hall. It is potentially available to all children attending the school. We aim to provide high-quality, stimulating care in a safe and secure environment outside of school hours.
Our Breakfast Club will offer children
- A healthy breakfast of fruit juice, milk, cereal, toast, and fresh fruit .
- A variety of fun and stimulating activities e.g. construction, puzzles, games etc.
- Access to a quiet area for reading and relaxation.
- A chance to socialize with other children.
- A calm start to the school day.
Our After-School Club will offer children
- A wide variety of fun and stimulating activities e.g. construction, puzzles, table-top games, baking, creative activities etc.
- Access to outdoor play (weather and light permitting).
- A healthy snack.
- Access to a quiet area for reading and relaxation.
- Support with homework if required.
- A chance to socialize with other children.
Our Holiday Club will offer children
- A variety of fun and stimulating activities (as outlined in the other clubs)
- Access to outdoor play
- A healthy snack for the morning and the afternoon
- Access to a quiet area (as outlined in the other clubs)
- A chance to socialize with other children
- Where possible, offsite fun activities and days out.
Although children will be encouraged to take part in planned activities, which support the school curriculum, and they will also be able to choose freely to play with any of the equipment on offer at that Club session.
All staff employed by Moorside Plus are interviewed to establish their suitability in compliance with the Children Act 1989 which includes an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check. Staff will endeavour to maintain privacy and discretion in accordance with the school’s Confidentiality policy.
Staff are kept up to date with new regulations and will have current relevant training on Child Protection, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, Behaviour Management and Fire Safety.
Staff ratios are met as set out by Ofsted – National Day Care Standards for Out of School Care.
Moorside Plus is committed to providing a fair and open admission system that offers a good value service. The Club will only be open to children who attend Moorside Primary School.
Available places will, in the first instance, be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis by contacting the Childcare Manager at the Club or by telephoning 07493399626. If there are no vacancies, the child will be placed on a waiting list. We will arrange our waiting list and take into account the following:
- Siblings already attending the setting.
- Staff wishing their children to attend the setting.
- Number of sessions required.
Prior to the first admission to the Club, you will be asked to sign a copy of the terms and conditions, a contact information sheet and an ‘All About Me’ form, which enables us to find out more about your child and their interests.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Children must be collected from the club by an adult known to the staff and child or a named person on the contact information sheet, who will be asked the ‘password’ for collecting the child. In the event of an unknown adult turning up to collect your child, we will telephone the parent to confirm the identity of the adult before we allow the child to leave. However, in this situation we would expect the parent to ring Moorside Plus or the school and give staff details of the person collecting their child. Again, this person would be expected to give staff the ‘password’.
Please remember the child is your responsibility until they enter our care. If you want confirmation of their safe arrival then you must ring us.
Breakfast Club
Children should be brought to the Year Two Breakout Area in the Key Stage Two playground (to the left of the main school reception office area) by a parent or known adult. They will walk to their classroom at staggered times. Reception and key stage one children will be taken to their classroom by a member of the Breakfast Club staff.
After School Club
Children in Reception and Key Stage One will be taken to the After-School Club by a member of school staff. Children in Key Stage Two will make their own way to the Club directly from the classroom. A daily register will be completed.
Holiday Club
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on the first morning so that we can check details with them. The collection procedures outlined above also apply to the Holiday Club.
Failure to Collect on Time
Please ensure your child is collected on time as fees are charged for late collection. The additional fee will be £5 per child for the first 15 minutes late and £5 per child for every 15 minutes thereafter.
You must inform us if you are to be late (e.g. traffic hold-ups) as 30 minutes after the scheduled collection time, the following procedure will start.
- Club will ring the usual carer.
- Club will ring the emergency contact.
- Club will ring any other contacts given.
- If there is no response following any of those attempts, the Club will contact the Social Services for further advice.
Administration of Medicine
The administration of medicines within Moorside Plus, follows the procedures outlined in the school’s Medical Policy.
Hot weather
In hot weather parents are asked to provide sunscreen and sun hats for their children. Children will be encouraged to apply their own sunscreen but will be given support if they are unable to do so.
Food and Drink
The refreshments provided by the Club will be fresh and healthy. Parents must inform staff of any allergies a child may have to any food or drink. We will endeavour to accommodate specific dietary requirements a child may have, but if we are unable to do so we may ask a parent to provide food. Children will be required to bring a packed lunch to the Holiday Club.
Child Protection
The staff in the Club will follow the Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures as outlined in the school policies. The safety and wellbeing of every child is paramount and will be the top priority of the Club at all times.
Children and staff will be expected to adhere to the school’s Behaviour Policy. Positive behaviour will be encouraged at all times and the consequences of unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with as outlined in the school’s Behaviour Policy.
Partnership with Parents
We are committed to working in partnership with parents and would encourage you to talk to our Childcare Manager if you have any comments to make about the Club or the care of your child.Please ensure you inform Moorside Plus staff if there have been any issues or concerns with your child. We ensure these are passed on to your child’s class teacher via the transition book.
Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing high quality service for everyone but accept that occasionally things do not always go to plan and we would of course want to know of your concerns in order to try and rectify them.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of the club then please, in the first instance, speak to our Childcare Manager. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction at this point, then please contact Miss Cooper, Deputy Head Teacher at Moorside Primary School. Please see the school’s Complaints Procedure for further details.
A full copy of all the policies and procedures followed by Moorside Before and After-School Club are available in the Policies section of the school website at
Fees and Opening Hours
The following conditions of payment apply:
- All fees are payable in advance and must be paid via the Parent pay website ( Children may be refused a place for persistent late or non-payment of fees.
- All sessions booked must be paid for.
- Fees are still due if the child is absent from school.
- This ensures the place remains open for your child on their return.
- The only exception would be if the school made the decision to close, E.g. due to bad weather.
- Continued late payment of fees will result in a late payment charge of £3 per day and ultimately your child’s place being withdrawn. After three sessions of late collection your child will be withdrawn from the club.
- Additional fees will be charged for children not collected on time.
- If any Club is cancelled by the school then a full refund of the session(s) will be given.
- Initial commitment to the breakfast or after-school clubs is for a minimum of one term.
- Cancellation of your child’s place requires one months notice.
Breakfast Club
(Full session)
Club Times - 7.30am – 8.45am
Includes - Cereal and drink
Cost per session - £3.50
After-School Club
(Full session)
Club Times - 3.15pm – 5.45pm
Includes - Drinks and snack
Cost per session - £7.50
Holiday Club
(Full day)
Club Times - 8.15am – 5.30pm
Includes - Drinks - Mid-morning snack - Mid-afternoon snack
Please provide your child with a healthy packed lunch.
Cost per day - £20 (for off-site trips, there may be an additional charge)