Welcome to the parent section of our school website. Here you can find relevant information about school life at Moorside, expectations that we have for our students, parents and carers and answers to questions you may have.
Home School Agreement
We believe that pupils achieve their best when teachers and parents support each other in partnership.
We as a school will:
- Inform you about what the teachers aim to teach your child each half term.
- Inform you of your child’s progress at regular meetings.
- Inform you of any important educational issues.
- Contact you if we have any major concerns with your child’s work, behaviour, attendance, punctuality or equipment.
- Keep you informed of the school activities through the Seesaw/ school website.
- Encourage your child to do his/her best at all times and value your child as an individual.
We expect that parents will:
- Make sure your child arrives at school on time (by 8.40 am) wearing the correct uniform.
- Make sure your child has all the things needed for the school day (reading book, any homework, P.E. kit).
- Make sure your child attends regularly and telephone (before 9.30 am on the 1st day of absence) or provide school with a note of explanation for any absence.
- Attend parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress.
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
- Support your child with homework and other opportunities for learning.
- Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect your child’s work or behaviour.
- Get to know about and share in my child’s life at school.
Parents and Carers will be asked to confirm that they support and are willing to comply with the conditions set out in the home/School Agreement upon their child's admission to the school.