Moorside Community Primary School

  • Moorside in the Community

Moorside in the Community....

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Moorside Primary School sidebar image
Moorside Primary School sidebar image

Often taking part in activities supporting our local community such as singing at the opening of the church christmas and summer fayres, planting seeds in the local area, producing art work for Media City's light waves displays and more recently collecting christmas gifts for 'Wood Street Mission' and mugs and cups for 'Loaves and Fishes' homeless centre. We pride ourselves on being a community school.

This year we aim to bring the community in. We'll do this by opening our doors and interacting with parent and carers through stay and plays, welcoming volunteers in to read with our children, helping classes on trips, supporting our PTA events and much more.

Where we can, we welcome the opportunity to help support initiatives in Salford and encourage you to reach out by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 0161 808 0182.

Team Moorside